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PostNapisane: 15 wrz 2019, 20:36 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15

May I ask for your help?

On the forum Ahnenforschung.Net section Posen I started the same topic ‘Looking for: Marcus, Philipp, Blum, Israel, Neumann, Wollstein’.

The search for the past goes back to Posen in nowadays Poland. This is what is found sofar.

- Jakob Marcus married Minna Philipp.
Children of Jakob and Minna:
Julius Marcus, born on 16-01-1881 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).
Max Marcus, born on 30-01-1886 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).
And perhaps Bernard Marcus, born on 28-03-1876 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).

- Albert Blum was born in 1850 in Berlin, Germany. Albert died in 1919 in Berlin, Germany
(1) Albert married Mathilde Israel. Mathilde was born in 1853 in Magdeburg, Germany, daughter of Eduard Israel and Johanne Grünbaum. Mathilde died on 04-08-1894 in Magdeburg, Germany.
(2) Albert married Rosalie (Rosa) Baron in Berlin, Germany. Rosa was born in 1853 in Kyritz. Rosalie died on 05-01-1922 in Berlin, Germany.
Child of Albert and Mathilde:
Rosa Blum, born on 17-02-1887 in Berlin, Germany.

- Siegmund Neumann was born on 09-07-1860 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland), son of Gutkind Neumann and Minna Wollstein. Siegmund died on 15-06-1915 in Berlin-Lankwitz, Germany.
(1) Siegmund married Pauline Cohn on 08-01-1886 in Grünfier (Zielonowo), Germany (Poland). Pauline was born on 01-04-1861 in Ascherbude (Biernatowo), Germany (Poland), daughter of Joseph Cohn and Johanna Jacobsohn.
(2) Siegmund married Fanny (Flora) Lesser in May 1892 in Schönlanke (Czarnkow), Germany (Poland). Flora was born in 08-1854 in Schönlanke (Czarnkow), Germany (Poland), daughter of Joel (Louis) Lesser and Johanna Gottheimer.
Child of Siegmund and Pauline:
Selma Neumann, born on 13-12-1890 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).

Questions I have are:
- Is more information available of Jakob Marcus and Minna Philipp (i.e. dates of birth, marriage, death, places, occupation)? And did they get more children?
- Is more information available of Siegmund Neumann and Pauline Cohn? And did they get more children?
- Are anchestors of Albert Blum and Mathilde Israel coming from the same area?
- When did they move to Berlin or other places?

Unfortunately, I do not know the Polish language. German I can read.

Your help would be highly appreciated.

I am also interested in history / background of inhabitants of Filehne and how Jews lived there together with non-Jews and as Jewish community late 19th century, beginning 20th century.

With kind regards,
The Netherlands

Polish – English – Deutsch:

akt urodzenia - birth cetificate – Geburtsurkunde
ur –born on – geboren am
akt małżeństwa - marriage certificate - Heiratsurkunde
zona – wife - Ehefrau
zd – née – geborene
rodzice – parents – Eltern
ojciec - father - Vater
matka - mother – Mutter
dziecko – child - Kind
rodzeństwo – sibling – Geschwister
rozwód – divorce - Scheidung
certyfikat śmierci - death certificate - Sterbeurkunde
zmarły – died – gestorben
zawód - profession - Beruf
i – and - und
w - at- in
r okolice – near – in der Nähe von
ówczesny – then – damals
powiat – county – Kreis
gmina - district - Gemeinde

Ostatnio edytowano 21 wrz 2019, 20:07 przez els, łącznie edytowano 18 razy

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PostNapisane: 16 wrz 2019, 14:12 
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Dołączył(a): 04 sty 2010, 20:38
Posty: 1666
Lokalizacja: zachodniopomorskie
Scan 77
Jacob Marcus birth 1825 Filehne(Wieleń),wyzn,mojż.
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... /#tabSkany

Juliusz Marcus 1884r.b.Filehne(Wieleń) wyzn.mojż.
parents: Jacob Marcus ,Minna Philippe
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... 10WjWwzrvA

https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... 3EvfVkvpGw

Bernard Marcus 28.03.1876r.Filehne(Wieleń),wyznanie mojżeszowe
scan 64
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... o08nhGhOGw

Archiwum w Pile



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PostNapisane: 16 wrz 2019, 16:20 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Hello Ela,

Wow, this is great!

I had already a first look!

Thank you very much.

Met hartelijke groeten,

Our first names differents only 1 character ;)

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PostNapisane: 16 wrz 2019, 20:15 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Still puzzling the German handwriting ….

Julius and Max Marcus are definitely brothers. On the card of Julius are the same parents.

If this Jacob is the right father of Julius and Max is not mentioned on the card. He was not a young man anymore when Julius and Max were born.
Unfortunately, on the card of Bernard Marcus are no names of parents.

Is there also a card of Max Marcus, born on 30-01-1886 in Filehne?

Ostatnio edytowano 17 wrz 2019, 08:51 przez els, łącznie edytowano 3 razy

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PostNapisane: 16 wrz 2019, 22:57 
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Dołączył(a): 08 cze 2015, 12:58
Posty: 304
Here is the search engine for the population registry of Poznan:

It looks like there is no Max Marcus you're looking for, but you may check the other entries.


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PostNapisane: 17 wrz 2019, 07:47 
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Dołączył(a): 04 sty 2010, 20:38
Posty: 1666
Lokalizacja: zachodniopomorskie
Witaj Els,

Brak Max Marcus ,nie ma scanów opracowanych Wieleń USC z tego okresu,
natomiast jest:
Ślub Neumann:
Urząd Stanu Cywilnego Zielonowo,Gruenfier(Wielen)
 wpis 2 / 1886
Siegismund Neumann (ur. 1860) 
ojciec: Gutkind Neumann , matka: Minna Wollstein
Pauline Cohn (ur. 1861) 
ojciec: Joseph Cohn , matka: Johanna Jacobsohn
scan 2
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/55/582/0/2/ ... H0rQrJHRig
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/55/582/0/2/ ... FF3PNvsoAg
II ślub
Urząd Stanu Cywilnego Trzcianka,Schoenlanke (Czarnkow) wpis 10 / 1892
Siegismund Neumann (ur. 1860)
ojciec: Gutkind Neumann , matka: Minna Wollstein
Fanna Flora Lesser (ur. 1854)
ojciec: Joel Louis Lesser , matka: Johanna Gottheime
scan 10
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/55/576/0/2/ ... x4j6UahWQw
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/55/576/0/2/ ... JpZ9TFhPAw
USC Trzcianka:
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/55/576/0/st ... bJednostki
Poszukaj potomstwa Neumann
scany Zielonowo :
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/55/582/0/st ... bJednostki



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PostNapisane: 17 wrz 2019, 09:05 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
AlpaCino napisał(a):
Here is the search engine for the population registry of Poznan:

It looks like there is no Max Marcus you're looking for, but you may check the other entries.

Thank you very much, Kuba!

With the search on ‘marcus max’ I found 4 entries. Looking to the birthday these are not the Max Marcus I am looking for.

With kind regards,

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PostNapisane: 18 wrz 2019, 08:14 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Hello, Ela,

Thank you very much for this search. This must be quit a job. Without your help this could not be done.

I understand that for Max Marcus no scans are (yet?) developed by Wieleń USC for this period. So, online it is no not possible to find this information.

The Neumann family:

Siegmund Neumann was born on 09-07-1860 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland), son of Gutkind Neumann and Minna Wollstein.Siegmund died on 15-06-1915 in Berlin-Lankwitz, Germany.
(1) Siegmund married Pauline Cohn on 08-01-1886 in Grünfier (Zielonowo), Germany (Poland). Pauline was born on 01-04-1861 in Ascherbude (Biernatowo), Germany (Poland), daughter of Joseph Cohn and Johanna Jacobsohn.
(2) Siegmund married Fanny (Flora) Lesser in May 1892 in Schönlanke (Czarnkow), Germany (Poland). Flora was born in 08-1854 in Schönlanke (Czarnkow), Germany (Poland), daughter of Joel (Louis) Lesser and Johanna Gottheimer.
Child of Siegmund and Pauline:
Selma Neumann, born on 13-12-1890 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).

Maybe there was another child of Siegmund and Pauline, but looking to the date of his second marriage there could not be a lot of children. Maybe Siegmund and Flora got children. I understand that this can be searched in the birth certificates https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/55/582/0/st ... bJednostki

Thanks again for all your help. I am very grateful.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ostatnio edytowano 20 wrz 2019, 08:20 przez els, łącznie edytowano 2 razy

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PostNapisane: 18 wrz 2019, 14:20 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Google on “Gutkind Neumann”

Child of Gutkind Neumann and Minna Neumann (Herrmann). Hermann is not Wollstein!
Lewin Neumann, born on 12-03-1852 in Greifenberg.
https://www.geni.com/people/Lewin-Neuma ... 5208770832

Spis ludności żydowskiej mieszkającej w Gryficach w latach 1815-1874. (Census of Jewish people living in Gryficach (Greifenberg in Pommern) in 1815-1874). The name Gutkind Neumann is mentioned.
https://sztetl.org.pl/en/towns/g/312-gr ... -1815-1874

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PostNapisane: 19 wrz 2019, 07:11 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Ela z Pojezierza napisał(a):
Scan 77
Jacob Marcus birth 1825 Filehne(Wieleń),wyzn,mojż.
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... /#tabSkany

Jacob Marcus
Stand: Handelsm.(ann)

Am 19.12.75 aus
Berlin in Juden-
str(aße) 8 ??? Sußmann
12/8/76 Leipzig

==> If this is the right father of Julius and Max is not mentioned on the card. He was not a young man anymore when Julius and Max were born. No evidents are found yet this is the right father of Julius and Max Marcus!

Juliusz Marcus 1884r.b.Filehne(Wieleń) wyzn.mojż.
parents: Jacob Marcus ,Minna Philippe
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... 10WjWwzrvA
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... 3EvfVkvpGw

The birthyear is hard to read, it could be 1881 or 1884.

Julius Markus
Stand: Schüler

1.5.87 aus
Filehne in
Teichstr.(aße) 5?(7?)19 zu
4.5.95 Markt 37 bei

5.11.95 Kl.(eine) Gerberstr. 7
bei Anspach
7.3.96 Alter Markt
3.9.96 Schuhmacher 13
3.12.96 Markt 94
dto (dito)
2.4.97 nach Berlin

Bernard Marcus 28.03.1876r.Filehne(Wieleń),wyznanie mojżeszowe
scan 64
https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/53/474/0/19 ... o08nhGhOGw

Bernard Marcus
Stand: Schneider

? Warschau
u St Martin??? 62/36
b. Schultz
7.10.93 nach Filehne

Ostatnio edytowano 20 wrz 2019, 19:49 przez els, łącznie edytowano 2 razy

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PostNapisane: 19 wrz 2019, 09:09 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Jews resided in Filehne from at least 1632. The new synagogue in Filehne was built in 1785 but it burned the same year. Another synagogue was erected in 1787 and was destroyed at the beginning of the World War II in 1939. It had a rabbi and a cantor and a kosher butcher. Also a Jewish school. There was a burial society. The Jewish Progressive/Reform cemetery was established in the beginning of the 19th century. It was vandalized during World War II with no care or maintenance. No stones or known mass graves exist.Within the limits of the cemetery is a gravedigger's house (or Taharahaus?). The municipality owns the property and it is used for industrial/commercial purposes.

On internet I could not find old pictures of the synagogue, the Jewish school or the cemetery with the gravedigger's house or other pictures of Jewish life.

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PostNapisane: 20 wrz 2019, 07:52 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
https://www.jewishgen.org/viewmate/resp ... ?key=68799
https://www.jewishgen.org/viewmate/full ... 0292%2Ejpg

Death Certificate

No. 1233
Berlin, April the 26th 1909
The following person, legitimized
by (official) identity card, appeared today in front of the registrar
the businessman Max Marcus
residing in Berlin Belle Alliancestrasse 103,
and reported that the independent gentleman Jakob
Marcus, husband of Berta born
71 years old, of mosaic faith,
residing in Berlin Allensteinerstrasse 14,
born in Bomst, county seat
Son of the late and lastly living in Meseritz,
county seat, businessman
Marcus /(sen.?) married couple, widow [name] unknown,
passed away in Berlin Allensteinerstrasse 14 in his presence,
on April 25th. 1909
in the morning at seven o'clock.
Read, approved and signed
Max Marcus
The Registrar
[signature of registrar]

==> 20-09-2019: This is not the right father of Max and Julius Marcus!

Ostatnio edytowano 20 wrz 2019, 19:51 przez els, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

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PostNapisane: 20 wrz 2019, 07:52 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15

Ostatnio edytowano 20 wrz 2019, 19:54 przez els, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

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PostNapisane: 20 wrz 2019, 19:51 
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Dołączył(a): 18 paź 2016, 20:47
Posty: 612
Jakob Marcus was born 20 July 1837 in Bomst (Babimost), Germany (Poland):

https://drive.google.com/file/d/12LHr17 ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/10a54ko ... sp=sharing

[Family Search - Jüdische Gemeinde Bomst (Kr. Bomst), Matrikel, 1817-1847]


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PostNapisane: 20 wrz 2019, 20:02 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Gregorius napisał(a):
Jakob Marcus was born 20 July 1837 in Bomst (Babimost), Germany (Poland):

https://drive.google.com/file/d/12LHr17 ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/10a54ko ... sp=sharing

[Family Search - Jüdische Gemeinde Bomst (Kr. Bomst), Matrikel, 1817-1847]

Dear Grzegorz, thank you very much for your help!

Today was found that this is not the Jakob Marcus I am looking for. I am sorry for placing the wrong certificate here.

With the best wishes,

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PostNapisane: 21 wrz 2019, 09:14 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Looking for the birth certificates with the names of the parents of:

Cerline Marcus, born 23-02-1871 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).
Bernard Marcus, born on 28-03-1876 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).
Henriette Marcus, born on 17-10-1878 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).
Julius Marcus, born on 16-01-1881 in Filehne (Wieleń), Germany (Poland).
Max Marcus, born on 30-01-1886 in Filehne (Wieleń),Germany (Poland).

Ostatnio edytowano 21 wrz 2019, 16:55 przez els, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

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PostNapisane: 21 wrz 2019, 10:02 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Looking for the death certificates of:

Jacob Marcus died 1886 or later and before 1900 in Filehne
his widow Minna Philipp after 1910 in Filehne

Ostatnio edytowano 22 wrz 2019, 07:58 przez els, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

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PostNapisane: 21 wrz 2019, 15:58 
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Dołączył(a): 18 paź 2016, 20:47
Posty: 612
Filehne (Wieleń) documents saved. There are the names Marcus, Philipp:


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PostNapisane: 21 wrz 2019, 18:34 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Gregorius napisał(a):
Filehne (Wieleń) documents saved. There are the names Marcus, Philipp:

Filehne (Wieleń). Accounts for 1862 – Communal tax list (Repartition der Synagogen-Gemeinde Beiträge für die Synagogen-Gemeinde Filehne) RG31 F414

Marcus: -
Philipp: ?, Rafael, Moritz, Jacob
Neumann: Gutkind
Cohn: Joseph, Elias, H.H., Joseph
Blum: -
Israel: Diwan?, Daluwan?, Wolff

Filehne (Wieleń). Accounts for 1876 – Supporting documents (Beläge zur Jahres-Rechnung der Synagogen-Gemeinde Kasse) RG31 F417

From Filehne:
Marcus: Lewin, Herrmann, Seelig, Meyer, Jacob, Abraham
Philipp: A. Wtw?, Rapha?, Mortiz, Hirsch, Joseph
Neumann: -
Cohn: Joseph
Blum: -
Israel: Salomon, Simon, Levy

There were also members of the synagoge from places nearby.

It looks like the family Marcus came to Filehne after 1862.

Thank you very much.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

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PostNapisane: 15 lis 2019, 15:27 

Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2019, 12:39
Posty: 15
Are house cards of Filehne available online whereon all family members are listed? For example those made during the censuses of 1871, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1910.

Czy karty domowe Filehne są dostępne online, na którym wymieniono wszystkich członków rodziny? Na przykład te wykonane podczas spisów powszechnych z 1871, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1910.

Thank you very much.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

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